Fly Distance Summary
Angler's Fly Distance - Caster may have a “Gillie” to help in remove line from reel and straightening line, which begins the preparation time. After that, the Gillie cannot assist in any way.
Fly Distance Singlehanded and Fly Distance Doublehanded a line tender can assist to extend and stretch the line and retrieve line as needed.
Preparation Time
Two minutes of preparation time shall begin when caster first begins to retrieve line after initial stretching.
Casting Time
Time starts when caster calls "score" so the judge can hear, or at the expiration of the two minute preparation time. Caster must call "score" before the fly passes the casting box on the way forward for a shooting cast. The time limits for Angler's Fly Distance - Five minutes, Singlehanded - five minutes, Doublehanded - seven minutes. You can make as many casts as desired during the allotted time.
Your two longest casts are recorded, but your second longest cast can only break a tie if necessary.