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Casting Books & Videos


ACA's Beginner's Guide to Fly Casting John L. Field, 2018. Skyhorse Publishing.

Casting Angles Mac Brown, 1997. Highland Press.

Jason Borger's Nature of Fly Casting Jason Borger, 2001. Shadow Caster Press.

Joan Wulff's Fly Casting Techniques Joan Wulff, 1987. Lyons and Burford.

Joan Wulff's Fly-Casting Accuracy Joan Wulff, 1997. Lyons Press.

L.L.Bean Fly-Casting Handbook Macauley Lord, 2000. Lyons Press.

Modern Fly Lines Bruce Richards, 1994. Lefty's Little Library; Odysseus Editions, Inc

Presentation Gary Borger, 1995. Tomorrow River Press.

The Cast Ed Jaworowski, 1992. Stackpole Books.

Troubleshooting The Cast Ed Jaworowski, 1999. Stackpole Books.

The Essentials of Fly Casting Bill and Jay Gammel, 1993. Federation of Fly Fishers.

The Technology of Fly Rods Don Phillips, 2000. Frank Amato Publications.

Video Tapes & DVDs:

Advanced Fly Casting Doug Swisher, Scientific Anglers.

Joan Wulff's Dynamics of Fly Casting Joan Wulff, Miracle Productions.

Historical Casting Books

From the library of George McCabe:

Tournament Fly & Bait-Casting by Earl Osten (NAACC Exec. Sec.), 1946 A.S. Barnes & Co

Who's Who and What's What in Fly and Baitcasting in the United States 1864-1941 by Harold Hinsdill Smedley Second Edition Revised 1941 West Shore Publishing, Muskegon

Accuracy Fly Casting (Little Sports Library) by Harold H. Smedley 1949 Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. (Better known to his friends as "Dike")

The Technique of Bait Casting (Little Sports Library) by Ernest Liotta Jr. 1949 Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. ("Sib" Liotta)

Fly Casting for Trout, Salmon, Bass and Panfish by Frank Steel 1946 Paul, Richmond & Co., Chicago

Bait Casting with a Thermometer by John Alden Knight and Richard Alden Knight 1963 G.P. Putnam's Sons NY Library of Congress Card number: 63-9665 pg.147-154 Joan Salvato demonstrating the "Long or Power Cast" (Distance Casting)

A Fly Fisher's Life (Revised Augmented Edition) by Charles Ritz 1959, Additional Material 1965 & 1972. Crown Publshers, Inc. Library of Congress Card Number: 72-96649 pg.14 World Champion Walter Kummerow of Germany casting 2-Hand Fly-rod- great photos! pg.31 Photo of Jon Tarentino, top demonstrating good cast; bottom- a bad cast.

The Wise Fisherman's Encyclopedia Edited by A.J. McClane 1951 Wm H. Wise & Co. Inc., NY

History of the Sport of Casting People, Events, Records, Tackle and Literature Early Times by Cliff Netherton 1981 American Casting Education Foundation, Inc. Lakeland, Fl Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 81-65632

History of Sport Casting Golden Years by Cliff Netherton 1983, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 83-72846